The Live Food Factor - Susan E. Schenck
Product Description
The Live Food Factor is the first comprehensive guide to not only the raw food diet, but also the raw food movement itself. This diet is sweeping America as people discover its power to not only make a body lean, but also keep disease at bay and bolster the immune system to heal from what are typically considered "incurable" diseases. Everyone who eats should read this book! The first edition won the IPPY award as "most progressive health book of the year." The second edition of the Live Food Factor is an updated, expanded and revised comprehensive guide to the raw food diet, with a section on inspiration, a section on science, a section on the history of raw foodism, a complete how-to section, including frequently asked questions & answers, and recipes. It contains 66 scientific studies to support the superiority of eating raw. This second edition brings a summary of all the benefits of Natural Hygiene as well. It includes several chapters written mainly by Victoria BidWell, including the true cause of illness, how to detox and an entire chapter on fasting. It also includes a new chapter written mainly by Dr. Vetrano and Dr. Tosca Haag on how to get children to eat raw. There are new testimonials, many new recipes, updated science studies, and even 3 new appendices. It is packed with new and updated information. In fact, this edition has about 37% more information! (The font had to be slightly smaller to squeeze everything in!) It also contains forewords by Dr. V.Vetrano, DC, hMD, PhD, DSci (who worked extensively with Dr. Shelton of the Natural Hygiene movement) and Victoria Boutenko (one of the most noted leaders of the raw food movement). It was carefully edited for accuracy by Bob Avery, expert on the raw food diet and former editor of the M2M magazine, as well as Victoria Bidwell and Dr. Vetrano for accuracy in the Natural Hygiene components.
Product Details
* Amazon Sales Rank: #4501 in Books
* Published on: 2008-09-16
* Released on: 2009-01-15
* Original language: English
* Binding: Paperback
* 660 pages
Editorial Reviews
"This 620-page tome, arguably the most comprehensive book ever written on the raw diet and lifestyle, is surely destined to become a classic." --Get Fresh! Magazine (from England)
The Live Food Factor is destined to become a classic. This bookrepresents the most comprehensive study of the raw food diet and theraw food movement ever put on paper. When I received the manuscript, I simply couldn't put it down and read the book in two days. In my classes, people have asked me over the years, Where is the scientific research backing up the raw food diet? I'm thrilled that now we have The Live Food Factor, which contains data that is thoroughly backed upwith a list of over 60 scientific studies. I am a raw food teacher, writer, and researcher myself. I have taught hundreds of workshopsabout this subject for many years, and I have learned a great deal from Susan Schenck's book. I highly recommend this book to all readers interested in improving their health.
--Victoria Boutenko, raw food author and educator
The Live Food Factor is the very best book on alternative health care ever done. It contains more research on the benefits of raw foods as well as the dangers of cooked foods ever amassed in one place.
--Dr. Vivian V. Vetrano, DC, hMD, PhD, DSci
This is one of the most thoroughly researched books on nutrition. This book is easy to read.
--Dr.Jeannette Vos, co-author of The Learning Revolution 2.0
About the Author
Susan Schenck is a licensed acupuncturist (LAc) with a master of traditional Oriental medicine (MTOM) degree from Pacific College of Oriental Medicine. She also has a BS in education and MS in applied linguistics from Indiana University. She has taught all levels of education and is currently an avid health writer and educator. She has read hundreds of books on nutrition, and is fully convinced that what you eat is the most important factor in health. Extensive world travels broadened her mind to novel ideas.