Foodworks II
Foodworks natural food markets are your local full service stores for organic and natural products. We are proud to be serving the Connecticut shoreline in Guilford and Old Saybrook as well as Smithfield, Rhode Island. Each Foodworks location is unique in appearance and product selection to serve each community. However, all three locations share the same idea of excellent customer service, such as special orders, shopper programs, and supporting local products. Unlike most other markets, you will find local items such as honey, eggs, produce, and many other items that we are proud to carry.
We are also dedicated to supporting local community activities as well as donating some of our profits to organizations such as: Union of Concerned Scientists, Doctors Without Borders, Earth Island Institute, Pearl S. Buck International, Natural Resources Defense Council, Human Rights Watch, and Kiva Project. We at Foodworks truly believe in the organic and natural movement to help make the world a better place. We do this by not only offering products, but by supporting others that are helping those less fortunate than us. We look forward to continuing to service you, our customers, and our communities as well.
Foodworks II
17 Main St
Old Saybrook CT 06475-1511
Tel: 860 395-0770
